conditions of contract


As of: 17 January 2023

The contractor is Business Beat GmbH (Helga-Krismer-Platz 1, A-6020 Innsbruck). Business Beat GmbH operates the Software as a Service (SaaS) and the web application With the help of the web application (a) surveys can be created, (b) people can be invited to surveys, (c) evaluations of the data can be carried out and (d) the results of the surveys can be viewed.

Conclusion of an order

The order is concluded by the client signing the order confirmation or by the delivery/partial delivery of the respective services (licence, additional services, etc.).


The data protection declaration is an integral part of the contractual conditions and can be found Business Beat GmbH does not grant access to individual data or access to data records.


The duplication, copying and sale of questions, display forms, billing models, design and all other contents of Business Beat are not permitted.


Unless otherwise stated in the respective service description, the contract of the fee-based packages has a term of twelve months and is extended by the same period if notice to terminate the contract is not provided one month before the end of the respective term. Free services, functions and other services of Business Beat GmbH can be discontinued at any time. In this case, the client has no claim to a continuation of the service.

Termination of the contract

Termination requires written notice. When terminating the contract, the registered e-mail address and the termination date must be provided. Business Beat GmbH is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship unilaterally by sending a letter to the email address or postal address provided at the time of the contract’s conclusion with a notice period of three months. Pro rata prepaid fees will be refunded, in this case.

Price indexing

The prices quoted are adjusted annually on the basis of the consumer price index (as per Statistik Austria).

Terms of payment

Fee-based content and services are to be paid in advance. All prices are net prices plus VAT. If travel expenses are incurred, these are to be borne by the client. Travel expenses are calculated as follows: Austrian official mileage allowance for cars x 2.

Transferring invoices

When using paid services, functions and services, the client agrees that the invoice will be transmitted electronically.

Subject to changes & deletions

Business Beat GmbH reserves the right to extend, change and delete functions and services.


Business Beat GmbH is revocably permitted to refer to the business relationship with the client.


Place of performance and jurisdiction

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